

有时,佛罗里达州民事诉讼的结果不是你所期望的那样. 幸运的是,无论你是原告还是被告,你都可以上诉. 上诉程序因法院和管辖权而异, 所以确保你不会失去这个机会, 你必须确保你知道这个过程是如何运作的, 期望是什么?, 有什么最后期限?, 哪些表格需要填写和归档. 

在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, 竞技宝体育竞猜的使命是帮助竞技宝体育竞猜的客户在他们的法律事务中获得最好的结果, 有时这意味着上诉下级法院的判决. Our civil appellate attorney located in 迈阿密-Dade guides our clients through the entire appeals process – from helping you identify the grounds to appeal through completion of the appeal. 今日透过电邮联络竞技宝体育竞猜: 305-672-7495 安排免费电话咨询.


When one party to a lawsuit is not pleased with the verdict or judgment that has been entered, 他们可以提出上诉. 上诉是一个让下级法院的判决得到上级法院复审的过程. 这不是一次新的审判, 但这是一个机会,可以提出审查在审判中犯的任何法律错误. 只有在审判中保留的问题才能由上级法院审查.  

下级法院批准的和解协议不能上诉. Settlements are final at the time both parties execute the agreement and/or a judge reviews and enters an order granting the settlement agreement.



上诉人 当事人是否对初审法院的判决提出上诉. 这是寻求对下级法院判决进行复审的个人或实体, 竞技宝体育竞猜的目标是扭转局面, 修改, 或归还.

被上诉人 是被上诉的一方吗. 在民事上诉的背景下, 被上诉人通常是初审法院的胜诉方——赢得案件的一方. 的 被上诉人's role is to defend the trial court's decision and argue that it should be upheld.


上诉法院, 也被称为上诉法院, 司法机构是否负责审理对下级初审法院判决提出的上诉. 上诉法院通常由多名法官组成,通常是三名或更多. 在某些司法管辖区,这些法官可能被称为大法官. 与审判法庭不同, 哪一种可以由一名法官或一名法官和陪审团组成, 上诉法院通常包括法官小组,他们共同对上诉作出裁决.


  • 根据案件记录审查下级法院的判决, 包括转录本, 文档, 以及庭审期间的证据
  • 通过考虑双方的观点来决定法律问题, 法律的先例, 和成文法来确定下级法院是否正确地解释和适用法律
  • 通过维持下级法院的判决来纠正错误, 扭转它, 修改它, 或者将案件发回初审法院进一步审理
  • (三)提出意见,说明作出决定的理由

上诉法院通常位于初审法院之上. 上诉法院的判决可以进一步上诉到更高的上诉级别, 比如州最高法院或美国最高法院.


If there are credible grounds for an appeal, then almost any type of civil case can be appealed. 可上诉的常见民事案件包括:

  • 合同纠纷, 比如涉及合同纠纷的违约案件, 合同条款的解释, 或者合同的有效性
  • 人身伤害或侵权索赔, 比如涉及疏忽的案例, 汽车事故, 产品缺陷, 诽谤, 医疗事故, 或者其他侵权索赔,一方声称另一方的行为造成损害
  • 家庭法事宜, like issues involving divorce, child custody, Spousal Support, paternity, or property division
  • 产权纠纷, 包括与房地产纠纷有关的案件, 边界问题, 房屋租赁纠纷, 土地征用权, 或者产权
  • 就业情况下,包括有关非法解雇、歧视或工作场所骚扰的纠纷
  • 行政法案件, 包括由行政机构就许可等问题做出决定的案件, 法规遵从性, 或者政府行为
  • 遗嘱认证及遗产案件包括关于遗嘱、信托或个人财产分配的争议
  • 债务催收案件,包括与债务催收、债权人纠纷或破产程序有关的问题
  • 宪法问题比如那些涉及宪法挑战或与侵犯公民权利有关的案件


并不是所有的“上诉”都必须等到下级法院做出结论. 这就是所谓的中间上诉, 上诉是在初审法院作出终审判决之前提出的. 换句话说, 它是在诉讼的中间阶段发生的上诉, 而不是等到整个案子结束. 

中间上诉不如终审上诉常见, 但在以下情况下, 它们通常是被允许的:

  • 有限的情况下, where there is a compelling reason to review a particular issue before the conclusion of the entire case – for example, 某一特定法律问题的解决可能会影响案件的整体结果, 等到审判结束会造成很大的偏见.
  • 许可授予, which means that the trial court – based on the criteria specified in the applicable rules or statutes –  has certified or permitted the appeal to an appellate court. 
  • 可检查的问题, 如果上诉涉及法律问题而不是事实问题-例如, a party might seek an interlocutory appeal to challenge a trial court's ruling on a legal issue or a motion to dismiss.

的 availability and procedures for interlocutory appeals can vary significantly between jurisdictions. Parties considering an interlocutory appeal should consult the relevant rules and statutes in their jurisdiction. 如果你在佛罗里达州,需要法律建议来决定最好的行动方案, 今天就竞技宝体育竞猜的上诉律师.


上诉审查一般限于法律问题和法律问题. 上诉法院 do not evaluate witness credibility or examine the facts unless there is a claim of legal error in how the facts were considered. 因此,上诉的理由通常限于三种情况: 

  1. 在审判过程或程序中犯了错误;
  2. A legal error was made at trial; or
  3. 该决定的事实结论与证据相矛盾.


可根据审判期间的程序错误提出上诉. 程序错误可能包括: 

  • 违反法庭规则
  • 没有遵循适当的程序
  • 拒绝公平的陈述机会

If the appellate court determines that a procedural error occurred and that it affected the fairness of the proceedings, 它可以命令重新审判或以另一种适当的方式纠正错误.


This ground of appeal is based on the argument that the lower court made a mistake in interpreting or applying the law. 上诉人认为法官误用了法律原则或成文法, 导致错误的决定. 在这片土地上取得成功, the 上诉人 (the party bringing the appeal) must demonstrate that the error had a significant impact on the outcome of the case.


上诉可以基于事实错误, alleging that the lower court made factual mistakes or failed to properly consider relevant evidence. 在这片土地上取得成功, the 上诉人 must show that the lower court's findings of fact were not supported by the evidence presented during the trial or that important evidence was overlooked. 法院通常不愿推翻事实调查结果, as trial courts are often in the best position to assess witness credibility and weigh evidence.


提出上诉的具体步骤取决于法院和管辖权. 然而,一般来说,大多数申诉包括以下基本步骤.


一旦不利的判决生效, 你要确定申诉的依据和范围. 由法律规定, only certain issues can be grounds for an appeal and it is important to ensure the appeal is based on one or more of these grounds. 

因为只有在审判中保留的问题才能在上诉中得到解决, the transcript of the trial and accompanying evidence should be reviewed to confirm any and all preserved issues to be raised on appeal.


每个法院都有一定的时间来提出上诉. 确定可用的时间量并在该时间范围内提交文件至关重要. 如果上诉未在诉讼时效内提出,则可能永远被禁止. 


准备上诉可能很耗时, 这就是为什么首先确定诉讼时效很重要吗. 上诉也必须在适当的上诉法院提出,并支付适当的申请费. All other parties must be served according to the rules of the court where the appeal is filed – for example, some courts require in-person service while others have determined regular mail is sufficient for service. 


提起上诉并不会自动停止或延缓判决. 以防止对方收取他们的判决, 通常需要采取额外的步骤. 在一些司法管辖区, 这一额外的步骤涉及上诉人在其他地方提交替代担保, 这意味着提交一份暂缓判决的动议. 


A brief is a legal document that states the case and the arguments for why the decision of the lower court should be reversed, 归还, 或确认. 上诉并不总是需要摘要. 


接下来会发生什么主要取决于法庭. 他们可能举行口头听证会,也可能不举行口头听证会,这不能与审判相混淆. Our appellate attorney in Florida will advise you on what to expect as well as walk you through it as it happens so that you remain informed and engaged in the overall appellate process.


In a civil appeal, an appellate court has several options when deciding how to handle the case. If more than one legal issue was appealed, then a separate outcome may be issued for each issue. 


  • 确认决定. 在这里, 上诉法院同意下级法院的判决, 这意味着原来的决定不变,不做任何改变. 
  • 改变决定. 如果上诉法院发现下级法院的判决有误, 它可能会选择推翻判决, 导致原判决无效, 案件可以发回初审法院再审或重新审理.
  • 修改决定. 在某些情况下, the appellate court may agree with the general outcome but find errors in specific aspects of the judgment, so the court chooses to modify the decision by making changes to certain findings or legal conclusions while leaving other parts intact.
  • 还押进一步诉讼. 在这里, the appellate court determines that additional proceedings are necessary or that certain issues require further consideration, so it sends the case back to the trial court so that the latter can address specific issues or gather additional evidence.
  • 驳回上诉. 的 appellate court may dismiss the appeal if it determines that the issues raised are not meritorious or that existing procedural defects prevent a proper review.
  • 呈现一个新的决策. 在某些情况下, 上诉法院可以对此案作出新的裁决, 可能用自己的判决代替初审法院的判决.

上诉法院可以发表书面意见,解释其理由和法律分析. 如果有的话, these opinions often influence future cases and provide guidance on the interpretation of the law.


If you need to appeal a civil matter, you need an attorney who understands the appellate system. 在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, our appeals attorney in Florida knows the process and will develop a strong appellate strategy to help you get the outcome you should have in the first place. 

因为每个诉求都是独一无二的, it is best 安排免费电话咨询 with us to discuss the particulars of your case. 请致电 305-672-7495 or fill out the online form, and we will help you discern whether you have grounds for an appeal. 如果是这样,竞技宝体育竞猜将开始上诉,以便能够及时和有说服力地提出上诉.


We serve clients throughout Florida including those in the following localities: 迈阿密-Dade County including Aventura, 迈阿密, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, 是海里, 家园, 肯德尔, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, 好莱坞, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale海滩, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach
